
Changing Your Name

Please find guidance on changing your name on the student record below:

Current students wishing to change their name on the student record can do so via the processes outlined below.

Known As Name

The Known As Name will replace your official forename in some QMU systems and documentation. Students can provide or change their Known As name themselves during the annual online matriculation task. Outside of that opportunity, students can email Registry@qmu.ac.uk from their QMU email account to request the change. No evidence is required for this change.

Official Forename(s) or Surname

Forenames and surnames are provided by the student via their application form. Students can change their official forename(s) or surname by emailing Registry@qmu.ac.uk from the QMU email account. The request should be supported by an official form of evidence showing the current name. Examples of this form of evidence are, but not limited to, a marriage certificate, a passport, birth certificate or a drivers license. Registry will also accept a Statutory Declaration for Change of Name as supporting evidence of a name change ().

The degree certificate and graduation programme will by default use the students official forename(s) and surname. Students should follow the process above to change their official names prior to completing their course. Graduating students wishing to change which of their official names are included on their degree certificate should request the change via the Graduation Registration process. This process will be open to students approximately 2 months prior to their graduation and students will be informed of it via email. Names on degree certificates cannot be changed after graduation.

Upon changing their official name via the processes above, current students can request an updated QMU student smartcard free of charge by emailing Registry@qmu.ac.uk from their QMU email account. Students can also request that the card be updated with a new passport style image if they provide one.

Please note that changing any or all of these may not relate to your reasons for requesting a name change. We do not ask for evidence or a reason as to why you want to update any of the information below:

Marital Status

Students can update their marital status during the annual matriculation process. Outside of that opportunity, students can email Registry@qmu.ac.uk from their QMU email account to request the change. No evidence is required for this change.

The available options in response to the question What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status? are below

      • Single (never married or never in civil partnership)
      • Married or in a registered civil partnership
      • Separated (but still legally married or in a civil partnership)
      • Divorced or formally in a civil partnership now dissolved
      • Widowed or a surviving partner from a civil partnership
      • Co-habiting
      • Prefer not to say


Students can update their sex during the annual matriculation process. Outside of that opportunity, students can email Registry@qmu.ac.uk from their QMU email account to request the change. No evidence is required for this change.

There are currently 3 options in response to the question What is your sex?. Sex and gender are different concepts that are often used interchangeably. This question is about your legal sex. The UK government refers to sex as being biologically defined, and gender as a social construct that is an internal sense of self, whether an individual sees themselves as a man or a woman, or another gender identity. The option of Other is made available for those from a country where a sex other than female or male is legally recognised. The UK does not currently legally recognise an option other than female or male. QMU will not challenge students on their self declaration of their sex.

      • Female
      • Male
      • Other

Sexual Orientation

Students can update their sexual orientation during the annual matriculation process. Outside of that opportunity, students can email Registry@qmu.ac.uk from their QMU email account to request the change. No evidence is required for this change.

The available options in response to the question Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? are below:

      • Bisexual
      • Gay or lesbian
      • Heterosexual or straight
      • Other sexual orientation
      • Prefer not to say

Transgender Status

Students can update their transgender status during the annual matriculation process. Outside of that opportunity, students can email Registry@qmu.ac.uk from their QMU email account to request the change. No evidence is required for this change.

The available options in response to the question Do you consider yourself to be trans, or have a trans history? are below:

      • Yes
      • No
      • Prefer not to say